Artifact Uprising

May 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

For those of you who know me, you know that I have 4 true loves...

1) Family

2) Friends

3) Taking photos

4) Colorado

So I'm so excited to talk about this wonderful company from Colorado called Artifact Uprising. "inspired by the disappearing beauty of the tangible" and "driven by the belief that everyone has a story to tell", they use recycled materials to make lovely photo books and photo/memory boxes made from the trees that have been destroyed by the Pine Beetle. For those of you who do not know about the destructive Pine Beetle, here is a link to some info and a photo.

Just like almost everyone I know with an iPhone, I'm loving the instagram app and have been for years. I was printing my favorite instagrams on 6x6 metal sheets and have made this lovely family wall in our home.  Me being me, a mother and photographer, I have taken so many photos that it's impossible to continue with this method and I had no clue what to do with all of those other photos that were not worthy of the wall but special none the less. Needless to say,  I was so THRILLED when I heard about Artifact Uprising as they have designed books especially for us instagrammers! I just received my first book in the mail and it is so wonderful. All of my silly photos in a perfect little square book for me to put on the coffee table so that my family and friends can look at them for years to come!

With all of the new technology I feel like people forget to print their photos. You can't tell a story through the cloud, you have to make the photos  accessible for others to see them. The days of getting a roll of film developed and rushing home to look at the printed photos are almost gone unless you are a photographer. I shoot some film, and still buy disposable cameras for my kids to use. I try to print my favorite family photos every other month or so. I love making albums so that I can enjoy the memories and smiles. I can't stress enough how important it is to print photos to preserve history for future generations and for you and yours to enjoy today. Even though I offer digital files, I cringe when clients ask to buy JUST the digital versions of the photos because I fear that the images will either never get printed or get printed by a poor quality printer. There are so many amazing ways to reproduce digital images these days that it is a shame that some never see the light. I strive to find the most environmentally friendly and unique items to share with my clients, family & friends. I never offer something to someone without first getting my own. 


And just like every other person who has Colorado in their heart I mourn the trees that have been destroyed by this evil little bug. They say that the damage is declining and I hope that this is the case because now these forests are more susceptible to fires and these dead trees are like kindling:( They burn and they burn quickly. I am so happy that someone is doing something with these trees. It's Green companies like Artifact Uprising that are making a difference in our future. I'm so happy to have discovered them. I am excited to now offer books from Artifact Uprising to my clients and most importantly to share this wonderful socially conscious company with you! I can't wait to make more books myself and hope that you will make some too!

Thanks for stopping by!




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