Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Everyone! 2013 was a great year for me and my family. Though there were some heartaches this past year like losing loved ones, there were also so many magical moments that made me so appreciative of what I have and more so knowing of how lucky I am to be able to do what I love; take photos and be a mom to the most amazing kiddos ever (biased I know). I am personally so excited for 2014. I have many friends adding new additions to their families, have some exciting adventures planned, workshops to give & take, photos to make, and with the older the twins get… the more fun we have together exploring the world around us! Did you make your resolutions? I always resolve to be the best version of myself possible. This year I have added a few actual resolutions... I resolve to finally lose the rest of that baby weight that I gained 5 years ago by eating better and working out, I resolve to be more patient with people who drive me crazy and annoy me, I resolve to find more balance in my work and home life, I resolve to get my house organized, AND I resolve to try new things out of my comfort zone and even take up a new hobby… guitar lessons? Since having children my NYE plans have drastically changed. My husband and I used to always go see live music and dance the night away. Though that was fun, I really enjoy our new traditions. These days we celebrate as a family with other families and are home by 10 pm instead of the wee hours of the morning. I have not toasted the New Year at midnight for 5 years! I tried so hard to stay awake last night, the last time that I looked at the clock and it was 11:40. Did I make it with 20 to spare???? NO!!! I was out like a light! Being that I am so lame and can't even stay awake to toast the New Year, I have started to make New Year's Day my special day to celebrate. I love filling my table with my loved ones and eating a meal that is supposed to bring you luck in the New Year. What is this lucky meal you might ask? Swine & Peas or Pork Tenderloins with Sunny's Money Salad.
There’s an old tradition that says eating pork will bring you good luck in the New Year. Pigs are very round and they root their hooves forward, indicating you’ll have abundance going forward Eating legumes has been said to bring wealth for centuries, predominately because they resemble coins, but also because they expand when cooked, symbolizing expanding wealth. In the south, black-eyed peas are the New Year’s bean of choice. It is a nice tradition passed along to me by my mother. I hope that whatever you did last night that you enjoyed yourself and I wish everyone a Very Healthy and Happy New Year! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
Xoxo, Maya
Sunny's Money Salad What you need:
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